Sierra Piura Reforestation
Regional information
The project is located in the high Sierra of the Department of Piura, Northern Peru. The project is located at 3,000 meters above sea level. The farmer communities that live here are one of the most poorest farmers in Peru. People mainly live of subsistence agriculture, cultivating beans and potatoes.
In collaboration with NorAndino , Proclimate started a community reforestation project in 2009, with 10 farmer communities. The project was the first community reforestation projects certified with CarbonFix’s PoA (former GoldStandard) and has received various intermational prices and attention for its results and innovative financing approach: 10% of the revenues from carbon credits are used to finance sustainable coffee production in the lower regions. Various coffee roasters invest in their supply chain by purchasing carbon credits from this project.
The project was initially certified for the CarbonFix carbon standard on 15 July 2011. After that, it went into the transition phase to the GoldStandard in 2014. In June 2014 it was officially recognized to be GoldStandard-proof and at present, the project sells GoldStandard credits. Furthermore, in September 2014, the project was selected as a roadtesting project for the new Fair Carbon standard of FLO.
Tree species that are being used are based on farmer preferences. At present, mainly pinus is used, but also a native alnus species and an endemic and vulnerable Polylepis species.
At present, 213 hectares is reforested but financing has been found for upscaling to at least 500 hectares. The potential in the region is much higher since many surrounding farmer communities have show interest to participate in the project. Also the governmental organizations are interested in the approach.
The project was first certified for the CarbonFix-GoldStandard A/R in July 2011. Since then, the project sells carbon credits, mainly to coffee roasters, willing to off-set their emissions. 10% of the revenues from carbon credits are invested in sustainability measures in the lower situated coffee regions, thus enabling these same coffee roasters to invest in their own supply chain. The project still receives a lot of attention for this innovative approach. Carbon revenues are also used to provide technical assistance to the upper farmer communities and to introduce alternative food sources such as fish ponds and mushroom cultivation.
On average, the project generates around 7 carbon credits ha-1 year-1. In the long term, the trees will deliver financial revenues for the community. Revenues from thinnings and quality timber are expected to be around USD 1,330,000 after 25 years for 213 hectares.